Could Dental Implants Solve Your Smile Situation?
Everyone wants a brighter, more beautiful smile. But missing or damaged teeth can get in the way. Your smile is the first thing people notice when they meet you. If yours isn’t sending the message you’d like, dental implants in Sioux Falls, SD, could be the solution.
Dental implants are permanent replacements for natural teeth that have been lost or extracted. When your dentist pulls a bad tooth and leaves the empty space unfilled, bone loss happens. Bone loss can cause surrounding teeth to shift and your facial structure to collapse in affected areas, aging you before your time.
But when those empty spaces are filled with dental implants, bone loss is prevented. You’re able to chew and speak normally, and your prosthetic tooth functions just like a natural one. Dental implants look and function like real teeth. They don’t need to come out at night or for cleaning. And you care for them just as you do your other teeth.
Initially, your dentist will make impressions of your teeth. These will be fabricated to fashion your implants. In the meantime, you’ll undergo simple surgery to implant posts in your jawbone. These act as anchors to hold your implants in place. When they’ve bonded, or osseointegrated, into your jawbone, your dentist will place abutments on top. These act as connectors between the posts and your prosthetic tooth. Finally, your fabricated tooth will be positioned into place, and your dentist will measure and test to make sure everything is as it should be.
The first step to having dental implants is to schedule a consultation with First Class Dental Care, your dentist in Sioux Falls, SD. We’ll examine your mouth and perform diagnostic tests to determine whether an implant is the best solution. If so, we’ll guide you onto a dazzling new smile.