What Are The Stages of Gum Disease?
Gum disease is also called periodontal disease. Gum disease affects the teeth as well as the gums. Over time, it can also negatively impact the jaw bone, ultimately leading to possible facial disfigurement stemming from the breakdown of the supporting facial bone structure. Getting treatment for gum disease in Sioux Falls, SD is crucial for teeth and gum health. Before gum disease progresses to that point, it goes through several stages.
Gingivitis is the first and mildest stage of gum disease. At this point, the gum disease hasn’t yet affected the jaw bone. The symptoms of gingivitis are sometimes hard to detect. They include gum swelling, bleeding gums and bad breath.
At this stage, gingivitis has progressed to the point where the gum infection has spread to the gum tissue. The harmful bacteria have taken hold and are attacking the jaw bone. Symptoms include chronic halitosis, deep pockets, and excessive bleeding while brushing and flossing.
By this point, the periodontal disease has advanced to a stage where it is rarely reversible. Tooth pockets are widening and deepening and teeth may be getting loose. The bacterial infection may be attacking the blood stream and immune system. Teeth may be shifting, causing bite alignment issues.
By now, gum disease has advanced to a point where tooth loss is inevitable. Bone loss has almost certainly occurred, too. Chewing certain foods may be impossible. It’s essential to get treatment for gum disease in Sioux Falls, SD as soon as possible, hopefully before it’s advanced to the fourth stage.
Your dentist in Sioux Falls, SD can help you prevent gum disease as well as treat the various stages of periodontal disease. Contact us now to book your appointment.